Crystal Cleanse Rituals



Here is one of the most asked about post on How to cleanse & Recharge the crystals.

First let us understand why we need to cleanse a crystal after we have purchased it.

When you get a crystal, you may be excited to use it just like the way you get it as you feel they are new to you, but frankly for the crystal it is a long journey before reaching its final destination in your hands. The crystal was mined from the earth, passed off to different handlers, who then gave it to a vendor, to sell to a retailer, where it went through the touch of various customers before your eyes caught sight of it and it was taken.

That’s a lot of collected energy and subtle programming. Because we all want a fresh start for our new journey with our crystals, it’s important that the first step you take is cleansing your crystals.

Key Take Aways…

  • How to cleanse your crystals with the power of mantras, cleansing crystals like Quartz or Selenite, the sacred smoke of sage, sandal wood, lavender, and use prana from nature like the earth, light of the moon or sun and air
  • Using the excess energy post meditation to bless the crystals
  • How to program your crystals and make them work for you


As a crystal lover I have explored several ways of cleansing my crystals some techniques are highly therapeutic for my own spirit as they are for my crystals. From getting some relaxation & meditation during the full moon, or enjoying a nice mantra sound, carrying some of my crystals during spiritual retreats, laying them out on a sunny beach, or letting them be in sunlight/moonlight often are some fun methods for cleansing and charging my crystals to get both me and my crystals in the highest, purified spirits.

Use your crystals as often as needed. Your crystal’s energy can get congested, heavy and dull, just like your own. So be sure to do a periodic crystal cleansing to get the most out of your continued work with your stone.

6 Simple Methods for Cleansing & Charging Your Crystals

1.Sunlight or Moonlight Spa

As a healer when you feel the intensity of energy becoming less from your crystals or it appears heavy it is time to cleanse and recharge. They may even appear as dull and not as vibrant it is a sign let them connect with nature. Let your crystals bathe outside in light of the sun or moon for at least 4 -6 hours. Especially with the large crystals in your home, although it can be a process, make sure that you place them outside to clear and recharge at least once a month.


Be gently aware of the nature devas in the light, earth and air surrounding the crystals and invoke them to cleanse your crystals thoroughly. You can put a salt water bowl to absorb any dirty energy expelled by the crystals.

2 Visualisation & Meditation

Light a candle and place it in the middle of your crystals. After completing your meditation use the excess energy to purify and recharge your crystals. With the intention of cleansing or charging, picture pure white light emanating from your hands and passing through the crystals. Sit in a clear and centered state, tune into your crystal, and simply ask it to clear or charge, depending on what you feel is needed.


3.Using Crystals to Cleanse Crystals (Quartz or Selenite)

You can pair your crystals with either a selenite or quartz crystal! Both of these crystals have the unique ability to cleanse, recharge and purify the energy of other crystals, without diminishing their own energy. Lay your crystals and tumbled stones on a piece of Clear quartz or a selenite charging plate for 6 -8 hours. Place your jewelry on a large crystal cluster every night and next morning they will be energized to wear and work with you.


4.Smudge and Clear your Crystals

Not only will burning Sage, Frankincense, and Sandal wood , Lavender make your home smell great and purify it, they’ll have your crystals feeling great too. Immerse your crystals in the sacred smoke until it seems to come back to life. This is likely the best option for larger, harder to pick up crystals. Simply use your a feather or your hand to waft the smoke over and around the crystal.


You can use natural incense sticks to smudge (3-5-7)

5.Mantra Therapy

Use the sacred chants of ‘OM’ to cleanse your crystals, sound bath can help the dirty energy within the crystals to disintegrate. Use 108 Om Chants and ring the bells a couple of times to cleanse the space around the crystals. You can place a saltwater bowl also to absorb the dirty energy.

6. Allow Crystals to Sleep in the Mother Earth

We could all use an energetic reset in nature every now and then. To give your crystal that revitalizing pleasure, place it on the soil or even bury it within the Earth for 24 hours.

Note: make sure you are mindful when placing certain crystals in water; many of the softer ones that are salt-based will dissolve when they get wet. 


Here are the recommended products

  • Dried California White Sage  Smudge Sticks
  • Lavender Incense Sticks by Auroshikha
  • Om Mantra Chants by MCKS


Love N Light!

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  1. Pingback: Crystals to Connect with the Moon Energies – Ritual | Sargam Mishra

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